Chances are you are taking supplements for vitamins A, C, and E but what about folic acid? If you don't eat a lot of leafy greens, liver or brewers yeast, then chances are that you are not getting enough of this important vitamin. Folic Acid, ot…
Hoodia Products Screened for Legal Sourcing
Hoodia Gordonii, the very popular and effective weight loss supplement is gaining public awareness here in the US and abroad. The demand is high because it is really the only weight loss supplement that works. It's availability in some countries …
Yerba Mate: The Powerhouse Nutrient For Healing, Anti-Aging and Enhanced Health
Many think of Yerba Mate as a tea beverage. While the chemical components are quite similar to green tea, it is in fact far more nutritious, because scientific study has shown it to contain nearly all of the necessary life-sustaining vitamins, m…
Free Radicals: Destructive Scavengers and the Vital Role Antioxidants Play
Several years ago, it was all over the news. Free radicals were damaging - we all had them, and antioxidants were the solution. But what role really do free radicals play in damaging the body, and how are we supposed to best get rid of them? H…

Healthy Hair Vitamins | Health Tips 2016
There a number of different specific hair vitamins and minerals that can play a major role in helping a person have a healthy head of hair. If a person does not have sufficient hair vitamins then the deficiencies can lead to thinning hair or even…

11 Fail Proof Habits for Producing a Floodgate of Energy
Feel less tired, more alive, and energized by adopting the following energy boosting strategies: * Always eat breakfast Believe it or not, the first meal of the day is the most important one which provides your body the required fuel to keep you go…
How To Use Sustanon, Dosage, Side Effects
Sustanon is a very popular steroid which is highly appreciated by its users since it offers several advantages when compared to other testosterone compounds. Sustanon is a mixture of four different testosterones which, based on the well timed com…
Flaxseed Oil - Another Great Antioxidant
We've heard a lot about antioxidants lately and with good reason. They provide essential uses to our health and are an important anti-aging supplement. Most often, antioxidants come from fruits and vegetables, but the lowly flaxseed is perhaps …

The effect of fish oil on fat burning
I have written many emails over the years on the effect of fish oil on fat burning. Lately there has been corroborating scientific evidence that fish oil can reduce belly fat and aid in fat burning as part of a solid diet and exercise program. B…
How To Use Deca-Durabolin
DECA-DURABOLIN is the Organon brand name for the injectable steroid nandrolone decanoate. This compound came around early in the wave of commercial steroid development, first being made available as a prescription medication in 1962. This steroid…

Why do you need a good supplement during a Juice Fast?
Juice fasting is a great way to cleanse your system and is a wonderful way to revitalize your body. Juice fasting consists of not eating solid foods for 3, 5,7,10 or even more days in a row. I like to start with the 3 day juice fast for those o…
Suplements and Your Health
A lot of people these days are trying to make their health better. No matter where you turn, from TV to newspapers, you'll see stories about people and how bad their health actually is. Even though there are many different companies out there t…
Nutritional Supplements - A Necessary Evil?
I just read an interesting article about all the so-called "Super Foods" that are supposed to help keep you healthy. And I don't disagree. It makes sense that these great foods provide vitamins, antioxidants and other important nutrients. If you …
Glyconutrition and Anti Aging The Real Fountain of Youth
Fountain of Youth and Glyconutrition Students of American history are introduced each year to the intriguing stories of the "conquistadors". You remember them don't you? They were the "rough and tumble" Spanish explorers and conquerors of the six…
Questionnaire on Glyconutrition to Take to Your Doctor
Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Chronic & Autoimmune Diseases by Dr. Robert Gamble Cardio-Vascular and Thoracic Surgeon (retired) Medical Researcher 1. Is my disease condition a "chronic" disease? Answer: If your disease condition is chronic and…

Vitamin Supplements for Macular Degeneration Prevent Visual Impairment
Macular degeneration affects central vision, and some sufferers can no longer read books, write out checks, find phone numbers in a directory, watch television, or see the facial expressions of their loved ones. Simple tasks become impossible and…
Teenage Stress | Health Tips 2016
It has often been said that the teenage years are the "best years of your life". However, anyone who says that does not remember what it is like being a teenager. Between school, life, parents, friends, and the fact that all of them want all of…
The Main Cause of Insomnia? | Health tips 2016
Well in my opinion the main thing that keeps us tossing and turning at night is worrying about not going to sleep. Sure there might be other reasons for sleeplessness; chronic pain, restless legs syndrome, partner disturbance, too much coffee... Bu…

Top 5 ways to stay calm and reduce stress | Health Tips 2016
Are you looking for more calm satisfying experience with you daily life? Do you get frustrated with yourself at the end of the day because you've gotten stressed, unfocused or agitated? Are you tired of getting over emotional and worn out. Whether y…
Anxiety Treatment With Drugs | Health Tips 2016
Anxiety Do you often find yourself stressed out because of certain misfortunes of the past or uncertainty of future? How frequently do you feel a pang of an unpleasant emotion in anticipation of some ill- defined calamity? If very often it is ti…
Grief is a Journey, Not a Destination
There are days you sit in a chair and stare out the window because living seems to take too much energy. Even to think about what to make for dinner is an all-consuming task. It can be daunting, feeling as if there is nothing in this world that w…